Mushroom Products
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Mushroom Species
- Almond Portobello (Blazei, Subrufescens)
- Angel Wings
- Aspen Bolete
- Bear's Head Tooth Mushroom
- Bicolor Bolete
- Black Staining Polypore
- Black Trumpet Mushroom
- Blue Chanterelle Mushroom
- Brick Top Mushroom
- Brown Button Mushroom
- Bunashimeji
- Cauliflower Mushroom
- Chanterelle Mushrooms
- Chicken Of The Woods (Sulphur Shelf)
- Copper Brown Mushroom (A. Cupreobrunneus)
- Coral Tooth Mushroom
- Dryad's Saddle
- Enoki Mushrooms
- Fairy Ring Mushrooms
- Fawn Mushroom
- Field Blewits
- Forest Lamb Mushroom
- Freckled Dapperling
- Fried Chicken Mushroom
- Garlic Marasmius
- Gem Studded Puffball
- Giant Puffball
- Giant Sawgill
- Gold Cap Stropharia
- Grey Knight Mushroom
- Gypsy Mushroom
- Hedgehog Mushroom
- Horse Mushroom
- King Trumpet
- Lactarius Mushrooms
- Lion's Mane Mushroom
- Little Chanterelle Mushrooms
- Maitake Mushroom
- Matsutake Mushroom
- Meadow Mushroom
- Mica Cap
- Milky Mushroom
- Morel Mushrooms
- Nameko
- Oregon Truffles
- Other Agaricus
- Oyster Mushrooms
- Paddy Straw Mushroom
- Parasol Mushrooms
- Pine Mulch Mushroom
- Pioppino Mushroom
- Porcini Mushroom
- Portobello/Crimini Mushrooms
- Puffball Mushrooms
- Red Cap Russulas
- Reishi Mushrooms
- Resinous Reishi
- Rooted Polypore
- Ruddy Panus
- Russula Varieties
- Shaggy Mane
- Shaggy Parasol Mushrooms
- Shiitake Mushrooms
- Slippery Jacks
- St. George's Mushroom
- Tippler's Bane
- Turkey Tail Mushrooms
- White Button Mushrooms
- Wine Cap Mushroom
- Wine Colored Agaricus
- Wood Blewit Mushrooms
- Yellow Shaggy
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If you have trouble ordering, please EMAIL us, or call 435-263-1425 for help. Firelight Heritage Farm is based in the United States.
Shipping INSIDE the United States is a flat $8 per order.
A listing of Wood Saprophytic (grows on decayed Woody matter) mushroom spawn types that are available for purchase on request. Includes Little Shiitake, Wild Enoki, Giant Sawgill, Fried Chicken, Dryad's Saddle, as well as many more. More than 35 additional species.
We have a wide range of new mushroom spawn types that are available, but which do not have full descriptions or images.
Backyard sized tin is sufficient to sow in two patches about 2'X3'.
Items from this list of mushroom spawn types are AVAILABLE ON REQUEST (we will invoice you through PayPal), just email us and tell us what you'd like.
Polyporus melanopus (Freckled Funnel - pressure cook, chop fine or grind) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) Good mushroom to grind for seasoning. Grows under mixed forest on dead wood. Rocky Ridge strain.
Polyporus elegans (Elegant Funnel - pressure cook, chop fine or grind) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) Good mushroom to grind for seasoning. Grows under mixed forest on dead wood. Rocky Ridge strain.
Polyporolus simplex (Elegant Bracket, Perplexing Bracket, Flat Bracket - pressure cook, chop fine or grind) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) Good mushroom to grind for seasoning. Thin dull orange colored polypore bracket fungus. NO basal thickening, and NO focal attachment to substrate, this mushroom attaches with roughly even horizontal attachment. NO zoning, and NO ruffling or pleating. Edges may roll up or down. Grows on partially decayed timber, in shady woods. Fruits in warm wet weather. Comparable to Polyporus elegans in color and texture, but whereas Polyporus elegans is a funnel, this is a thin bracket. Grows on hardwoods. Rocky Ridge strain.
Polyporus dura (Bay Polypore - NOT synonymous with Polyporus badius, P. badius has a STIPE, and P. dura does NOT - pressure cook, chop fine or grind) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) Good mushroom to grind for seasoning. Thin black to gray brown colored polypore semi-bracket fungus. Minimal basal thickening, with a focal attachment that is to one side, so this mushroom fans up and frills off the branch with a single point attachment on one side (it is almost fully circular, but not quite., Ruffles around the edges, white underside pore surfade. NO zoning, but the center gradiates out from black to gray brown, and NO pleating. Edges are scalloped. Grows on partially decayed timber, in shady woods. Fruits in warm wet weather. Similar to Polyporus badius in shading and in shape of cap, but P. badius is more orange in color and has a stipe. Grows on dead conifers. Rocky Ridge strain.
Polyporus squamosus (Recently called Cerioporus squamosus, Dryad's Saddle) $59 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - does better with larger than average mycellial mass. Grows on dead wood in shady areas. Mr. T strain.
Catathelasma imperiale (Imperial Cat - cook well) $195 - Suspected Preferential Mycorrhizal (not an obligate mychorrizal). (rare) Excellent mushroom when cooked well (high heat for 20 minutes or more), this rare and lovely mushroom is available nowhere else! We would love to see this studied for medicinal benefit. It is suspected to have anti-tumor and immune stimulating effects, as well as inhibitory effects over specific cancers. Grows on disturbed rough dirt in rocky ground beside aspen or beech woods. Boulder Bench strain.Lentinus tigrinus (Little Shiitake) $75 - MISIDENTIFIED IN GUIDE BOOKS - This is a CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) (Also called Neolentinus tigrinus. We went with the older name for this - there is a lot of confusion between this and the Train Wrecker (neolentinus lepideus), but this is undoubtedly a Little Shiitake mushroom). This mushroom is traditionally named "Little Shiitake" for its similarity to Shiitake mushrooms. Lentinus tigrinus is a Shiitake type mushroom that is more delicate, a little smaller and thinner in the cap, and a brown-gray, to bronzy silver color with a varying amount of scales around the edges - the dryer it is, the whiter and more scaly and broken the cap will appear - and with a white, lightly flocculous stipe. The cap edge and gills are folded in the same manner as a Shiitake when the cap is not fully unfurled.) Grows under mixed forest, in thick duff. Boulder Bench strain.
Lentinus tigrinus var. butyrum (Yellow Little Shiitake, or Butter Shiitake) $75 - MISIDENTIFIED IN GUIDE BOOKS - This is a CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores). The yellow variant of "Little Shiitake" for its similarity to Shiitake mushrooms, and it is a buttery yellow color. Lentinus tigrinus is a Shiitake type mushroom that is more delicate, a little smaller and thinner in the cap, and this one is a soft yellow color on the cap with a varying amount of scales around the edges - the dryer it is, the whiter and more scaly and broken the cap will appear - and with a white, lightly flocculous stipe. The cap edge and gills are folded in the same manner as a Shiitake when the cap is not fully unfurled.) Grows under mixed forest, in thick duff. Boulder Bench strain.
Neolentinus strigosus (Ruddy Panus) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) Lovely purple funnel mushroom. Grows on dead wood of many types, mostly hardwood. Eastern Logjam strain.
Neolentinus ponderosus (Giant Sawgill) $59 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom. Neuroregenerative (must be used sparingly if used medicinally, or can be carcinogenic), grows on pines. A very large and meaty mushroom, and a good edible with a lightly sweet flavor in young specimens, and a somewhat resinous flavor in larger specimens. Grows on dead conifers. Pine Glades strain.
The largest Giant Sawgill we have ever found.
Smaller ones are more tender than this huge thing.
Flammulina populicola (Aspen Enoki - cook lightly) $55 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Edible cousin to Enoki, pale yellow cap, with a white to yellow stipe. Grows under deciduous trees. Aspen Woods strain.
Flammulina velutipes (Velvet Foot, Wild variety) $65 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. This is NOT the wild variety of Enoki, it is in NO WAY related to it (If you examine both of them you can TELL they aren't even the same genus.). Sticky yellow/tan cap, with a distinct glistening and velvety appearing stipe which is dark brown to black at the base, and fades to tan/yellow at the top. White gills and spores. Grows on deciduous wood, and found on the ground around old stumps, likes cow patties in wet hollows. Aspen Woods strain.
Pholiota multifolia (Orange Folly - pressure cook) $45 - Considered CHOICE (or GOOD) by many, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Limited quantities. Grows on the ground and in dead roots or on buried wood. Aspen Woods strain.
Pholiota adiposa (Fatty Pholiota - cook well) $45 - Considered GOOD (or "interesting") by many, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Grows well on most deciduous trees. Antibiotic properties, used dried in VERY low doses (Size 2 capsule, not more than once daily, for short term use.). Grows on dead wood, usually wood that is buried or on the ground. Aspen Woods strain.
Pholiota squarrosa (Shaggy Pholiota - cook well) $95 - Considered GOOD (or "interesting") by many, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Grows well on most deciduous trees. Very similar in appearance to Pholiota adiposa, but with neatly arranged scales on top. Antiviral properties, used dried in VERY low doses (Size 2 capsule, not more than once daily, for short term use.). Grows on dead wood that is buried or on the ground. Aspen Woods strain.
Clitocybe gibba (Common Funnel, same species as Lepista flaccida, Lepista inversa, Lepista subalpina, all of which are not only misnamed, but mis-categorized since they are NOT Lepistas, but a true funnel shaped Clytocybe, cook well) $45 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Grows profusely, on rotted wood, often buried. This is kind of small mushroom, but fruits prolifically, so you can usually get enough to do something with. Grows on dead wood, loves buried wood. Boulder Bench strain.
Conocybella umbracepus (Blonde Stump Rotter) $45 - CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Cook well. Culinary and medicinal mushroom, grows on stumps and buried wood. Antibacterial, makes a good fungal wash, and may be encapsulated, helps combat TB. Rabbit Valley strain.
Coprinopsis atramentaria (Tippler's Bane) $40 - Considered GOOD by some, and easily CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. This one DOES have Coprine in it. Avoid alcohol. Grows in some very improbable places, likes disturbed ground. Rabbit Valley strain.
Coprinopsis romagnesiana (Drunkard's Bane, King's Bane [Because Kings do not Tipple, they drink steadily from a golden chalice]) $40 - Considered GOOD by some, and easily CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. This one is believed to have Coprine in it. Avoid alcohol. Grows on very poor substrate. Rabbit Valley strain.
Hypholoma lateritium (Brick Top, cook well) $45 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Grows on old roots in sunny areas. Boulder Bench strain.
Hypholoma radicosum (Brown Brick Top, cook well) $45 - CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Grows on dead stumps. City Slicker strain.
Pluteus petasatus - (A white pluteus with dingy gray smudges on top, must be cooked very well) $45 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - require more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. This is a classic Pluteus in some ways, but tends to flatten out more. It loves to grow in grazed grass where there are dead tree roots, and it is often squarish in shape, with a very round cap cuticle edge. The top is white, and has gray smudges on it, usually darker in the center, but sometimes just kind of randomly sooty. I've eaten it, and it does not have an overbearing flavor, it blends well with dinner. Tends to more often LACK a distinctive umbo, and sometimes has a cracked cap in the center instead. Rabbit Valley strain.
Pluteus admirabilis - (Yellow Pluteus, must be cooked very well) $55 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - require more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. Bright yellow pluteus species that has neuroregenerative medicinal benefits, as well as being considered to be a good edible. Found under aspens. Boulder Bench strain.
Pluteus cervinus - Classic Deer Mushroom $45 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - require more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. (Limited quantities) Brown to Gray Brown mushroom with wrinkled umbo, and pink gills, this mushroom is unmistakeable once you've held it in your hands. Loves dead wood in the shade. Must be cooked well. Boulder Bench strain.
Pluteus flavofuligineus - Part of the Pluteus cervinus group of mushrooms. $40 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - require more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. (Limited quantities) Dark brown mushroom with lightly wrinkled umbo, and pink gills, this mushroom is unmistakeable once you've held it in your hands. Loves dead wood in the shade. Aspen Woods strain.
Pluteus bruneidiscus (Pink Pluto) - Part of the Pluteus cerviinus group of mushrooms. $40 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - require more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. (Limited quantities) Light pinkish brown mushroom, with pink gills. Loves dead wood in the shade. Aspen Woods strain.
Pluteus bruneidiscus Hybrid - Part of the Pluteus cerviinus group of mushrooms.$40 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - require more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. (Limited quantities) Light brown mushroom, with pink gills. Loves dead wood in the shade. Aspen Woods strain.
Ganoderma resinaceum (Resinous Reishi) $55 - CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Used as an alternate for Reishi medicinally. This is not G. sessile, this is brown with yellow undertones, whereas G. sessile has reddish undertones. Grows on dead stumps. Aspen Glade strain.
Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) $60 - CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Grows on dead wood, preferring hardwoods. Rocky Ridge strain.
Lyophyllum decastes (Fried Chicken Mushroom - Requires significant cooking.) $75 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom, Preferential Mycorrhizal. Larger caps than many Lyophyllums, grows in groups, often scattered, but not in tight clumps. This is a lovely penny bun colored mushroom. Likes dead roots and the base of stumps. Pine Glades strain
Lyophyllum loricatum (Fried Goose Mushroom - MUST cook very well.)$60 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom, Preferential Mycorrhizal. Small dark gray caps on white stems, this is species grows in tight clumps and fruits profusely. Grows on dead wood and roots. Pine Glades strain
Lyophyllum connatum var. Butyrum (Blonde Fried Chicken, Fried Dove - requires significant cooking) $65 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom, Preferential Mycorrhizal. Light buff caps in a C. decastes form mushroom, larger caps, grows in scattered groups. Grows on dead roots. Rocky Ridge strain.
Albatrellus ovinus (Forest Lamb Mushroom) $85 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom, Preferential Mycorrhizal. Cooked well, this is a well appreciated culinary mushroom in some parts of the world. Grow on the base of dead stumps, and on dead tree roots. Aspen Woods strain.
Armillaria Tabescens (Honey Mushrooms) $45 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - requires larger than average mycellial mass for large fruitings. Cook well. Some species of Armillaria are considered to be parasitic, but are generally found on trees that are in the process of dying, so it is kinda a chicken and egg issue. Original specimens harvested from Aspen stumps, long dead. Aspen Woods strain.
Agrocybe agerita (Black Poplar/Swordbelt) $65 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Cook well. Excellent culinary mushroom, grows on poplar and other trees in the same genus. Grows on dead hardwood. Bucket Brigade strain.
Agrocybella pallida on the left, and Agrocybe dura on the right. Notice the high and thin dark ring on the single mushroom on the left, and the lower thick rings on the stipes of the three mushrooms on the right. Cap color is lighter near the margin on the three to the right, and the gills are tucked up under the cap in the younger mushrooms, whereas the mushroom to the left has gills that round below the cap.
Agrocybe dura (Praecox) (Yellow Meadow Mushroom) $25 - CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Cook well. Culinary and medicinal mushroom, grows decaying plant matter and prefers buried wood. Antibacterial, makes a good fungal wash, and may be encapsulated. Bucket Brigade strain.
Agrocybella pallida (Egg On My Lawn) $65 - Choice and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Cook well. Excellent culinary and medicinal mushroom, grows decaying plant matter and prefers buried wood. Distinctly different from Agrocybe Genus, gills are close, and cap is meaty and has a silky surface. Bucket Brigade strain.
Pleurotus columbinus (Blue Oyster Mushroom) $45 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Lovely blue to gray colored oyster mushroom, considered to be on the easier end of the spectrum for cultivation of mushrooms. The image is of a mature rosette. It still has some blue coloration, but most has faded out, as is normal with this mushroom. Grows on most hardwood. Bucket Brigade strain.
Hericium erinaceus (Lion's Mane) $55 Backyard - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. A truly delicious mushroom if you go in for this sort of thing (this is a joke, I simply do not like the flavor of most mushrooms, this one is prized the world over). Grows on most hardwood. Bucket Brigade strain.
Hemicantharellus Minora - (formerly misclassified as a Cantharellus) - Stuffed Chanter, Summer Chanty - $75 Backyard - NOT MYCORRHIZAL! Many Chanterelle type mushrooms are not Mycorrhizal, which means they will grow on decaying wood or compost instead of having to have host trees. Not as richly flavored as Cantharellus Species, but far easier to grow. This is that beautiful little neat and tidy trumpet flared Chanty that has a rounded cap and very neat rolled edge. Grows on decaying Poplar or Beech family wood, and prefers buried wood, fruits in wet summer months. Tall Timbers Strain.
Definition Of Terms
Obligate Mycorrhizal - Requires a symbiotic host plant in order to fruit.
Dependent Mycorrhizal - May be induced to fruit sparingly in ideal conditions without a host (but with sufficient composted and fresh debris from the appropriate host plant), but requires symbiotic host plant in order to fruit heavily in the wild. Requires a larger mycellial mass in order to fruit without a symbiotic host.
Preferential Mycorrhizal - Will bear without a host in containment, but bears better and more predictably on a host. MANY Saprophytic mushrooms will become symbiont with plants.
Saprophytic - Grows on decaying plant matter, may required varied vegetative compost, manure composts, leafy, or woody debris. Easiest to grow in containment.
Cultivatable - Saprophytic mushroom that is cultivatable on an appropriate substrate.
Large Mycellial Mass Mushroom - Requires at least 4 times the amount of substrate, fully colonized, to fruit well. Many require far more. Rule of thumb is, the larger the mushroom, or the denser the average flush, the greater the amount of substrate required to develop sufficient mycellial mass to support the fruiting.
Mushrooms may cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Some mushrooms are more likely to do this than others. Please research possible reactions prior to purchase. We are not responsible for how you choose to use our products, and do not claim that mushrooms are completely safe to consume. We merely assure that they are as represented on our website.
We do not make any promises as to the efficacy of any mushroom product to treat or prevent any disease or condition. Please consult a doctor or alternative practitioner prior to using any mushroom product for treatment of any disease or illness.
We cannot guarantee that any spawn, spore, or kit product will grow or produce mushrooms. We do guarantee that our products are as described, and that the methods in our instructions do produce good results, but once our products leave our facility, we can no longer control the factors which are responsible for success. Gardening of any kind is a chancy business, and success depends upon adherence to instructions, and may be influenced by weather, environmental factors, and other controllable and non-controllable factors. As such, we cannot guarantee your success, and advise that if you are uncomfortable with purchasing under these terms, that you refrain from purchase.
We do promise to answer your questions, and offer reasonable assistance if needed, and to correct any errors if a mistake is made on our part.
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Our cart is not currently set up to calculate international shipping. For international orders, please email us with a list of items you wish to order, and the country you need them shipped to. We will return a shipping quote, and send you a PayPal invoice to complete the order process. Not all items are available for international shipping (heavy items are too costly). We currently ship ONLY dried mushroom spawn and spore prints internationally.