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A listing of mushroom spawn types that are available for purchase on request. Mycorrhizal mushrooms grow in symbiosis with trees or other plants, and include some of the most prized culinary and medicinal mushrooms in the world. Includes Rocky Mountain Red Kings, Apricot Amanita, Barrows Bolete, Bicolor Bolete, Cortinarius, Chicken Fat Suillus, Forest Lamb, Dry White and Dry Black Russula, and as well as many more. More than 20 additional species.

We have a wide range of new mushroom spawn types that are available, but which do not have full descriptions or images.

Spawn is packaged in tins, each is sufficient to sow in two patches about 2'X3'.

Items from this list of mushroom spawn types are AVAILABLE ON REQUEST (we will invoice you through PayPal), just email us and tell us what you'd like.


Cortinarius zinziberatus (Copper Cort - Edible if prepared carefully, must be cooked well and used sparingly. May be used raw for medicinal purposes only, this is used for mitochondrial or metabolic repair, practitioners recommend not more than 1 size 2 capsule per day, used short term.) $65 - Obligate Mycorrhizal. Grows under hardwoods. Rocky Ridge strain.

Cortinarius rapacens (Yellow Cort - Edible if prepared carefully, must be cooked well and used sparingly. May be used raw for medicinal purposes only, this is used for mitochondrial or metabolic repair, practitioners recommend not more than 1 size 2 capsule per day, used short term.) $65 - Obligate Mycorrhizal. Grows under hardwoods. Rocky Ridge strain.

Leccinum scabrum (Birch bolete) $65 Backyard - Obligate Mycorrhizal. Grows under birch or aspen, other members of the beech family. Boulder Bench strain.

Boletus rubriceps (Rocky Mountain Red King, cook well, tastes good) $85  - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent Mycorrhizal, not Obligate). (This species is a delicious edible, it dries and cans VERY well. The cap is very red (brick to burgundy) with a distinct tan to yellow margin (about 1/4" wide). Stipe is full, and finely to deeply reticulated, and occasionally has a little reddish blush. Pores are tan to olive brown (darker with age), and the pore surface on younger specimens WILL very slowly AGE to a pinkish red color after the mushroom is picked. It is NOT a rapid red stainer, and we have eaten it many times. Cook well, and there is no risk with this one (aside from allergies, which are an issue with all mushrooms for SOME people). Fine Porcini flavor, grows under pines. Boulder Bench strain.


This Rocky Mountain Red King Bolete was as big as a shoe.
MY shoe. That is a women's size 12 shoe there, folks!
That's one big mushroom.


Boletus auripes (Butter Bolete, or Suede Bolete) $85 - Obligate Mycorrhizal. (Very limited quantities) Grows under conifers. Rocky Ridge strain.

Boletus barrowsii (White King) $95 - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent Mycorrhizal, not Obligate). (Limited quantities) A choice bolete mushroom, found under aspen trees in the Rocky Mountains. Boulder Bench strain.

Boletus bicolor (Bicolor Bolete) $95 - Obligate Mycorrhizal. There are several types of Bicolor Bolete, extremely difficult to differentiate. Grows under conifers. Pacific Forest strain.

Boletus edulis (Italian Porcini) $94 Backyard - Obligate Mycorrhizal. Italian Montagna strain, a light colored penny bun mushroom. May be referred to as Rocky Mountain Yellow King. Grows under hardwoods.

Tricholoma muricatum (Grubby Knight - cook well at high heat) $65 - Mycorrhizal (Suspected dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Grows under most anything. Rocky Ridge strain.

Tricholoma saponaceum (Soapy Trich, or Man In Bathtub) - (cook well at high heat, 10 minute minimum) $65 - Mycorrhizal (Suspected dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Grows under mixed forest. Rocky Ridge strain.

Amanita aprica (Cook well after 1 parboil) $95 Backyard - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Growth under conifers, has a yellow to peachy cap with white spots from universal veil remnants. Rocky Ridge strain.

Amanita muscaria (Parboil 15 minutes in LOT of water, drain, parboil again 5 minutes and discard water again, fry in butter) $95 Backyard - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Found growing under conifers, but reputedly not picky. This mushroom is used by stupid people who think you can use it to get high without suffering nasty side effects. You can't. Ever. Really. Ok, go ahead and try it if you don't mind vomiting and bleeding from your bowels. The toxin that makes you stomach crampingly sick usually won't kill you (though it can), but it always makes you sick enough that you wish it had! You just cannot get enough of the hallucinogenic compounds into you without also taking a massive load of the stuff that makes you vomit and groan and writhe in pain - because the thing that gets you high is the very thing that makes you sick! And it will make you sick BEFORE it gets you high! So don't bother! Instead, parboil the sucker, and fry it in butter. In spite of recent controversy (based on contemporary information, not on traditional and historic information), this mushroom HAS been consumed safely as an edible (especially during hard times) by peoples around the world, for millenia. We have just forgotten that some mushrooms need to be parboiled prior to cooking them in your recipe. This mushroom fruits gregariously once established, and the mushrooms can get quite large, with buttons that are 2-4" across, and caps up to 12", but usually 6-9". Boulder Bench strain.

Amanita Cocorra (Yellow Amanita) $95 - (Proven Preferential Mycorrhizal). Always verify ID on Amanitas that you pick, before using. Light yellow Amanita with universal veil that slips off. Amanitas have very particular requirements in order to produce non-toxic fruitings. This mushroom IS what we claim, but conditions that are not correct will produce other colors of caps (This has been tested and studied.). Parboil for 15 minutes, then cook well. Grows under mixed forest. Rocky Ridge strain.


Amanita Persicali in Egg stage, with universal veil just broken.

Amanita Persicali with partial veil just broken. You can see
the bulbous stipe base, and just barely see the ring left
where the universal veil broke. Characteristic pale tan color
and scales on cap from universal veil.

Amanita Persicali – Fancy Fine - $85 Backyard - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Pale tan to beige to dull peach colored cap with little gradiation from edge to center. Universal veil breaks up and leaves white to buff colored rough patches on the cap, sometimes ordered, sometimes very few, and sometimes they will rub off on the edges. Edges have classic Amanita gill show through. Partial veil leaves a skirt that thins and reabsorbs. Stipe is smooth above the veil remnants, and circularly flocculous below. Stipe flares toward the base, and then flares broadly into a large bulbous base with a pointed end with a shallow root. Base does NOT have a cup, it just flare, and has rings around the top that continue down from the flocculous stipe. Stipe may stain a soft pink color. Cap may have some pinky-red coloration to the center. Gills are buff, turning yellower with age. Cut buttons will not show a distinct covering universal veil. White to cream spores. Fruits in scattered troops under mixed forest. Edible if parboiled for 15 minutes, drained, and parboiled again for 5 minutes, and then cooked at high temp. Care must be taken when handling with your hands, excess exposure can cause anaphylaxis (usually within half an hour), headache (30 to 45 minutes later), stinging (hours later), or itching (hours later). Grows under hardwoods. Aspen Woods Strain.


Amanita Grisetta with gray cap and large white universal
veil remnants stuck to the cap. Specimen to the left has a
ragged cup at the base which is difficult to see due to
lighting issues in the image. Both HAVE a stipe ring from
the partial veil, but it is very evanescent, and the image
does not show it.

Amanita Grisetta - (Erroneously named Vaginata for profane reasons, and this is a correction to the mistaken naming.) $85 - Obligate Mycorrhizal. Light to dark steel gray, with some blue undertones. Stipe may stain reddish where bruised. If it has greenish or brownish undertones, it is NOT Grisetta (it is Falloidis). This is a Grisette. Has thin but persistent egg cup at base of stipe, which may tatter. Edible if pure steel gray or blue. Parboil for 15 minutes, cook at high heat. Grows under hardwoods. Aspen Woods Strain.

Suillus lakei (Orange Suillus) $75 Backyard - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Non-bruising Suillus, dries very well. Grows under conifers. Rocky Ridge strain.

Suillus americanus (Chicken Fat Suillus) $75 - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Yellow cap with red streaks and dots around the edges. This mushroom does not need peeled prior to consumption, but does need to be cooked. This is a slower staining strain, it is likely that it crossed with Suillus luteus (both are edible). Grows under pines in thick needle duff. Pine Glades strain.

Suillus neoalbidipes (Yellow Slippery Jack) $65 - Mycorrhizal (Suspected Dependent mycorrhizal, not Obligate). Yellow cap, should be peeled, but is a choice edible. Grows with less sticky caps than most Suillus. Grows under pines and mixed forest, in thick needle duff. Pine Glades strain.

Hygrophorus pudorinus - (Tan Waxy Cap, cook well) $65 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE on the right substrate (combo of finished compost with dirt, and a heavy casing of woody matter), by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - does better with more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. Grows in sunny meadows. River Refuge strain.

Hygrophorus russula - (Russula Waxy Cap, or Bleeding Waxy Cap, cook well) $75 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE on the right substrate (combo of finished compost with dirt, and a heavy casing of woody matter), by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - does better with more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. Grows under mixed forest. Aspen Woods strain.

Russula nigricans (Dry Black Russula) $50 - Mychorrizal mushroom that loves deep shade and deep woodsy litter. Edible if parboiled until it no longer tastes acrid. Medicinally useful if cooked, as a healing metabolic detoxer. This is a LARGE and DRY Russula, not one of the smaller sticky capped ones. It grows white, but bruises very easily, and even the action of growth against the duff or nearby plants can cause it to bruise very dark brown or gray. 3-6" cap. Grows in conifer forest. Brookhaven Woods strain.

Russula brevipes (Dry White Russula) $50 - Mychorrizal mushroom that loves deep shade and deep woodsy litter. Edible if parboiled until it no longer tastes acrid. Medicinally useful if cooked, as a healing metabolic detoxer. This is a LARGE and DRY Russula, not one of the smaller sticky capped ones. It grows white, and does not bruise, but will go yellower with age. 3-6" cap. Grows under conifer forest. Brookhaven Woods strain.

Russula Zellerii (Shrimp Russula) $70 - Mychorrizal mushroom that loves deep shade and deep woodsy litter. One of the most prized sweet Russulas. Pink to purple coloring, sometimes yellow in the center at full maturity. 2-5" cap. Grows under mixed forest. Aspen Woods strain.

Hypomyces Lactifluorum on Russula Occidentalis - Lobster Mushroom - $85 - Mycorrhizal mushroom that has been colonized with Hypomyces fungus, turning the mushroom bright orange. Different hosts produce different colors and intensity of flavor. This one produces a medium light intensity fishy flavor. Russula Occidentalis is a smaller viscid capped Russula that normally displays many cap colors, depending on growing conditions. Can be pink, peach, yellow, or off white, with darker colored center to the cap. Produces lighter orange color from Hypomyces, stains brown on cap edges, and on randomly on cap. Grows on conifers. This spawn will sow both types of fungus. Grows in conifer forest. Tall Timbers Strain.

Hypomyces Lactifluorum on Russula Versicolor - Lobster Mushroom - $85 - Mycorrhizal mushroom that has been colonized with Hypomyces fungus, turning the mushroom bright orange. Different hosts produce different colors and intensity of flavor. This one produces a medium intensity fishy flavor. Russula Versicolor is a smaller viscid capped Russula that normally displays many cap colors, depending on growing conditions. Can be yellow tan, brown, greeny brown, coppery, or blue brown, with darker colored center to the cap. Produces medium light orange color from Hypomyces, stains dark brown on cap edges, and on randomly on cap. Grows on conifers. This spawn will sow both types of fungus. Tall Timbers Strain.

Hypomyces Lactifluorum on Russula Nigricans - Lobster Mushroom - $85 - Mycorrhizal mushroom that has been colonized with Hypomyces fungus, turning the mushroom bright orange. Different hosts produce different colors and intensity of flavor. This one produces a medium heavy intensity fishy flavor. Russula Nigricans is a larger dry capped Russula that is white, bruising ocher then brown, and turning fairly dark brown when dried. Produces moderately intense orange color from Hypomyces, stains black on cap edges, and on randomly on cap. Grows on conifers. This spawn will sow both types of fungus. Tall Timbers Strain.

Hypomyces Lactifluorum on Russula Brevipes - Lobster Mushroom - $85 - Mycorrhizal mushroom that has been colonized with Hypomyces fungus, turning the mushroom bright orange. Different hosts produce different colors and intensity of flavor. This one produces a medium heavy intensity fishy flavor. Russula Brevipes is a larger dry capped Russula that is white, bruising muddy green then brown, and turning dull black when dried. Produces moderately intense orange color from Hypomyces, stains brown black on cap edges, and on randomly on cap. Grows on conifers. This spawn will sow both types of fungus. Tall Timbers Strain.

Hypomyces Lactifluorum on Lactarius Cascadensis - Lobster Mushroom - $85 - Mycorrhizal mushroom that has been colonized with Hypomyces fungus, turning the mushroom bright orange. Different hosts produce different colors and intensity of flavor. This one produces an intensity fishy flavor. Lactarius Cascadensis is a pinky milk mushroom that bleeds violet and stains a strong violet purple color. Produces a very strongly orange colored cap and gill surface from Hypomyces, with cracking and purple black areas on the top and edges of the cap. Does not bleed when infected with Hypomyces. Grows in mixed forest. This spawn will sow both types of fungus. Tall Timbers Strain.

Hypomyces Lactifluorum on Lactarius Afinis - Lobster Mushroom - $85 - Mycorrhizal mushroom that has been colonized with Hypomyces fungus, turning the mushroom bright orange. Different hosts produce different colors and intensity of flavor. This one produces an intensity fishy flavor. Lactarius Afinis is pinky buff cap that weeps mauve where handled, and stains light to dark brown. Produces intense orange colored cap and gill surface, from Hypomyces, and then stains light to dark brown with a little black on edges and randomly on cap top. Does not bleed when infected with Hypomyces. Grows in mixed forest. This spawn will sow both types of fungus. Tall Timbers Strain.


Brunneacavo Solario - Summer Truffle (often misnamed as a Tuber Genus, but clearly NOT the same genus) - $98 - Mycorrhizal Truffle, one of the classics (no matter what it is called). Black finely lumpy surface, sometimes called a Coal Truffle. Growth on hardwoods or conifers, need 3-5 trees of at least 10 years of age. Less intense and less sweet flavor than Perigord or Alba. Smells almost pickly when unripe. Not used to make oils or butter, this is used a little more lavishly in fresh dishes, but it can be frozen for up to 6 months (it does lose about half the flavor if frozen). Fruits in the summer months. Columbiana Strain.



Definition Of Terms

Obligate Mycorrhizal - Requires a symbiotic host plant in order to fruit.

Dependent Mycorrhizal - May be induced to fruit sparingly in ideal conditions without a host (but with sufficient composted and fresh debris from the appropriate host plant), but requires symbiotic host plant in order to fruit heavily in the wild. Requires a larger mycellial mass in order to fruit without a symbiotic host.

Preferential Mycorrhizal - Will bear without a host in containment, but bears better and more predictably on a host. MANY Saprophytic mushrooms will become symbiont with plants.

Saprophytic - Grows on decaying plant matter, may required varied vegetative compost, manure composts, leafy, or woody debris. Easiest to grow in containment.

Cultivatable - Saprophytic mushroom that is cultivatable on an appropriate substrate.

Large Mycellial Mass Mushroom - Requires at least 4 times the amount of substrate, fully colonized, to fruit well. Many require far more. Rule of thumb is, the larger the mushroom, or the denser the average flush, the greater the amount of substrate required to develop sufficient mycellial mass to support the fruiting.


Mushrooms may cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Some mushrooms are more likely to do this than others. Please research possible reactions prior to purchase. We are not responsible for how you choose to use our products, and do not claim that mushrooms are completely safe to consume. We merely assure that they are as represented on our website.

We do not make any promises as to the efficacy of any mushroom product to treat or prevent any disease or condition. Please consult a doctor or alternative practitioner prior to using any mushroom product for treatment of any disease or illness.

We cannot guarantee that any spawn, spore, or kit product will grow or produce mushrooms. We do guarantee that our products are as described, and that the methods in our instructions do produce good results, but once our products leave our facility, we can no longer control the factors which are responsible for success. Gardening of any kind is a chancy business, and success depends upon adherence to instructions, and may be influenced by weather, environmental factors, and other controllable and non-controllable factors. As such, we cannot guarantee your success, and advise that if you are uncomfortable with purchasing under these terms, that you refrain from purchase.

We do promise to answer your questions, and offer reasonable assistance if needed, and to correct any errors if a mistake is made on our part.

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Our cart is not currently set up to calculate international shipping. For international orders, please email us with a list of items you wish to order, and the country you need them shipped to. We will return a shipping quote, and send you a PayPal invoice to complete the order process. Not all items are available for international shipping (heavy items are too costly). We currently ship ONLY dried mushroom spawn and spore prints internationally.


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