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A listing of Meadow or Compost Saprophitic (grows on decayed plant matter or manures) mushroom spawn types that are available for purchase on request. Includes The Prince, White Blewit, Imperial Cat, Yellow Coral, Mini Milky Mushroom, as well as many more. More than two dozen additional species.

We have a wide range of new mushroom spawn types that are available, but which do not have full descriptions or images.

Backyard tin is sufficient to sow in two patches about 2'X3'.

Items from this list of mushroom spawn types are AVAILABLE ON REQUEST (we will invoice you through PayPal), just email us and tell us what you'd like.

Paxillus involutus (Pungent Funnel - MUST BE PROPERLY PREPARED! Potential medicinal properties.) $35 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) This mushroom was safely consumed for generations, and enjoyed when properly prepared. It can cause severe illness when improperly prepared. It was traditionally PICKLED, in a vinegar and salt brine, and kept for long periods of time this way. It was then parboiled, with the water discarded (to get the vinegar and salt flavor out - we presume this also removes toxins that have collected in the brine), and then it was re-cooked in whatever dish it was used in. It was typically used in soups or sauces, and not as an entree itself. Potential medicinal use, as this was often used in a brothy soup in cases of illness. USE WITH CAUTION at your own risk! Grows on dead roots in somewhat sunny areas. Rocky Ridge strain.

Paxillus vernalis (Summer Funnel - use sparingly, cook well or lightly pressure cook, edible when properly cooked, medicinal properties) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom. This mushroom was safely consumed for generations, and enjoyed when properly cooked. There is dispute as to whether it can cause severe illness when undercooked - all documented cases of illness from Paxillus mushrooms were Paxillus involutus. It was traditionally parboiled or soaked in warm water with a shot of vinegar and a little salt for a few hours, with the water discarded, and then it was cooked in whatever dish it was used in. It was typically used in soups or sauces, and not as an entree itself. This is a large and meaty mushroom that grows profusely when well established. Grows in dappled shade to full sun, in meadows. Aspen Woods strain.

Paxillus Deceptivus - (Forest Funnel - cook well or lightly pressure cook, edible when properly cooked, antiviral properties) $45 - CULTIVATABLE mushroom (if you have spore cultivation skills for non-sterile spores) - this is a large mycellial mass mushroom. Small, with close flexible gills that bruise wetly, staining dark. Cap is yellow brown with tangerine coloring where broken or cracked. Cap cracks and warps unevenly, scallops some on edges from obstructions. Cap edge is down-rolled, and cap cuticle extends beyond the gill edge by about 1/8”, and that stays rolled even in mature caps. Gills are decurrent, but have a defining curve downward where they meet the stipe and continue thinly down it for ¼ to 1/2”. Stipe is short, and tapered, with a small amount of attached roots a the base. Fruits singly or in scattered troops. Grows under trees in mixed forest. Edible but should be cooked long and low, and flavored heavily with garlic and onion, and either beef or soy sauce. Grows on buried wood in forest glades. Aspen Woods Strain.


Infundibulicybe Minima (Baby Buttons, must be cooked) $25 - CHOICE with savory flavor, and easily CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Small white mushroom that grows well in partially composted manure. Caps are 1-2" across when fully mature. Scatters white dots across the substrate. Grows in manure piles with high hay content. Rabbit Valley strain.

Holoserica maroon (Maroon Velvet, Red Carpet, Velvet Curtains) $75 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Edible if parboiled 15 minutes in generous amount of water - discard water, and cook mushroom well, either fried or boiled. Used medicinally as a bead (spot) poultice, for treating skin cancers by topical use. 3-6" cap, 4-8" tall, stipe is bulbous above the base, deep lovely burgundy maroon color to the cap, gills, and stipe (gills are barely more brownish), spore color same as gills. Suedish or velvety texture on top of cap, and on stipe. Key identifier is the deep red color on this very sizable mushroom, with virtually no color difference in any part of the mushroom, and the velvet on cap and stipe. It has NO transparency or translucency, and is NOT hygrophanous. Grows in sunny glades under hardwoods. Mr. T Strain.

Holoserica brunneous (Brown Velvet, Velvet Waistcoat) $75 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Edible if parboiled 15 minutes in generous amount of water - discard water, and cook mushroom well, either fried or boiled. Used medicinally as a bead (spot) poultice, for treating skin cancers by topical use. 3-6" cap, 4-8" tall, stipe is bulbous above the base, intense yellow-brown (oak) color to the cap, gills, and stipe (gills are barely more yellowish), spore color same as gills. Suedish or velvety texture on top of cap, and on stipe. Key identifier is the uniform color on this very sizable mushroom, with virtually no color difference in any part of the mushroom, and the velvet on top and stipe. It has NO transparency or translucency, and is NOT hygrophanous. Grows in dappled shade in meadows. Mr. T Strain. OUT OF STOCK

Holoserica luteus (Yellow Velvet, Velvet Spats) $75 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Edible if parboiled 15 minutes in generous amount of water - discard water, and cook mushroom well, either fried or boiled. Used medicinally as a bead (spot) poultice, for treating skin cancers by topical use. 3-6" cap, 4-8" tall, stipe is bulbous above the base, deep yellow to ochre color to the cap, gills, and stipe (gills are barely more brownish), spore color same as gills. Suedish or velvety texture on top of cap, and on stipe. Key identifier is the uniform color on this very sizable mushroom, with virtually no color difference in any part of the mushroom, and the velvet on top and stipe. It has NO transparency or translucency, and is NOT hygrophanous. Grows under hardwoods in heavy duff. Mr. T Strain. OUT OF STOCK

Leucocoprinus cepistipes (Fairy Parasol, cook well, avoid alcohol) $55 - Considered CHOICE by many, and easily CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Grows under mixed forest. Boulder Bench strain.

Lepista irina (White Blewit, must be cooked) $75 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Light fruity smell, all white mushroom. Grows in forest glades in partial sun, under mixed forest. Aspen Woods strain.

Lepista persici (Peach Blewit, must be cooked) $95 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Lovely peach colored mushroom with a distinctively Blewity shape. This is NOT a faded Lepista nuda (gradient pink or mauve, or faded tan), it is very different in coloration. Thick cap with a thicker umbo, in rolled cap edge, and Blewity feel. Peach colored gills that have pinkish spores, and the entire mushroom, cap, gills and stipe, is a distinctive peach color without any gradation in color. It stains the color of orange sherbet, and smells faintly of orange juice. (Differentiate from Lepista (misnamed Clitocybe) nuda, by the following features - cap, flesh, stipe, gills, are all the same color, whereas L. nuda has cap cuticle color that is different than cap flesh color, and gills are same color as cap. L. persici has no other color on the stipe where L. nuda does, and L. nuda does not stain, L. persici does (the entire mushroom will bruise orange). Color of L. persici is also distinctively a peach color - there is no other name for it, it is not pink, tan, mauve, beige, brown, lilac, or any other shade, it is the perfect light pinky orange color defined by Mr. Crayola as PEACH! Cap has a slightly higher umbo, and thicker flesh under the umbo than L. nuda, and is more like L. irina in shape. I have found L. nuda, L. irina, and L. persici in different places in the hills within 50 miles of our home.) Grows in forest glades in partial sun, under mixed forest. Aspen Woods strain.

Lepista personata (Field Blewit) $55 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Grows in meadows on the sunny edge of woods. Mr. T strain.

Lepista nuda var. Dixie (Burgundy Blewit) $55 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - requires more mycellial mass than many cultivated mushrooms. Grows under conifer forest in sunny patches. Rocky Ridge strain. OUT OF STOCK

Chroogromphus vinicolor (Pine Spike - requires parboiling similar to Muscaria) $55 - Dependent Mycorrhizal grows under mixed forest, Preferential Mycorrhizal. Grows under mixed forest. Rocky Ridge strain.


Hebeloma Tangenera  (Tan Ruffle On A Stick - edible ONLY if properly prepared, by pressure cooking submerged in water, with the water discarded) $60, grows under mixed forest. Rocky Ridge strain. Tan to light brown cap, edge of cap cuticle curls under gill edge until mature, then curls up. Pink brown gills that turn milk chocolate with age. Rings of flocculousness on stipe. Stipe is ovoid, fairly even top to bottom, with slight bulbous swelling on very bottom. Gills are deeply adnexed, and easily broken or crushed. Cap shape is irregular. Fruits singly or in widely scattered troops. Cap sare 3-7". Edible if well cooked, but goes best with beefy or strong pork flavors.


Agaricus augustus - The Prince $80 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - this is a LARGE mycellial mass mushroom. Classically lovely almond smell, this large agaricus mushroom is prized for both size and usefulness. Produces mushrooms up to a foot around (the one in the image is 10"). Grows under mixed forest. Boulder Bench strain. If you cannot afford this, try Agaricus Smithii.

Agaricus smithii - The Princess $65 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. Intense almond smell when fresh, this is the cousin to the Prince according to some, and the SAME mushroom according to others, it is just somewhat smaller in size, with the same cap color. These mushrooms are up to 6" around. If you cannot afford The Prince, this is the mushroom to buy, because it is just as usable in the kitchen, smells just as wonderful, has the same medicinal use, just smaller in size. Grows under mixed forest. Boulder Bench strain.

Agaricus bernardii - Salt Loving Agaricus $65 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. White button mushroom that grows well in alkaline soils. Grows on disturbed ground near mixed forest. Pine Glades strain.

Agaricus abolutescens - Conifer Button $55 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. White button mushroom that grows well under conifers. Rocky Ridge strain.

Agaricus altipes (Presumed) White Forest Button $45 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. White button mushroom that grows well under mixed forest. Rocky Ridge strain.

Agaricus hondensis (Bella The Woods) $55 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. White button mushroom that grows well under mixed forest. Rocky Ridge strain.

Acaricus Tangovergera Golden Stuffer $45 - Choice and cultivated commercially - MUST BE COOKED. A TAN button mushroom with small brown fibrils on the cap, flavor and use comparable to Augustus/Arvensus. Stains ochre, reddish, which darkens to brown or gray. Medicinal use is same as Subrufescens. Grows on manurey compost. Salt Flats strain.


Agaricus Abruptibulbous with characteristic broad bulb at base
of stipe, and root below. You cannot see Agaricus type gills
that are gray turning pinky brown with age. Cap is yellowed.

Agaricus Abruptibulbous – Big Boots $45 - Choice and can be cultivated commercially as a stuffing mushroom - MUST BE COOKED. Abrupt and broadly bulbous base that is short, and covered in dirt. Squarish and very smooth buttons, large size, that open flat and turn yellow tan with age. Stipe is thick and heavy (like Bisporus), and fairly even between cap and bulb. Partial veil has half-cog pattern, and forms a skirt that sticks to itself, when it breaks. Has a somewhat fruity smell that is not almondy. Gills are gray, then pinky brown, and then dark brown. Grows under mixed forest. Aspen Woods Strain.

Agaricus Nigrocircumio (Patty Portobello – $65 - Commercially cultivated, fruits in distinctly cooler temps than Agaricus Bisporus (about 5-15 degrees cooler out of doors). Very like brown Agaricus Bisporus, but with bulbous stipe base, darker spores, grayer tones to the cap, and different staining colors, plus a drier and firmer stipe texture, and a barely smaller cap size. Light brown to brown gray cap with some fibrilling on edges, darker color in center. Straight short stipe, with persistent partial veil that is stained with brown black spores. Partial veil leaves thin remnants on cap edge that extend beyond the gill edge, and curl downward and inward at full maturity. Cap is not extremely thick, gills are deep, and deeply adnexed. Gills become VERY dark, being black when cap is fully opened. Stipe base is horizontally ovoid bulbous and the bulbous portion has evenly adhered dirt which completely obscures the stipe base. Stipe texture is dry, and very firm, and interior core is stained chocolate brown at maturity. Stains very slowly gray brown or brown. Fruits with cap top at ground level, on or very near manure piles, or in fields on or beside cow patties. Bears in early fall, just as summer temps begin to cool. Caps are 4-8”.)


Acaricobigilliae Bisporangia Liberty Bella $65 - Choice and cultivated commercially. A white button mushroom with a ring around the base of the partial veil, and secondary gills below the primary gills. Flavor and use comparable to Bisporus/Bisporella. Stains ochre, orange, reddish, which darkens to brown or gray. Grows on mixed forest and lawn compost. Louisiana Purchase strain.


Acaricobigilliae Tardesecunda (Scallopini) $65 - Choice and cultivated commercially. A large off-white button mushroom, favored for Stuffing, with multiple partial veil appearances, due to behavior of cuffed veil attachment to stipe which loosens with age, but often has a scalloped appearance around the bottom of the cap as the veil breaks.  Flavor and use comparable to Bisporus/Bisporella. Stains ochre, which darkens to tan. Grows on manurey compost. Juniper Flats strain.


Agariplanobigillieae Brunester (Buster Brown, Buster Bello) $75 - Choice and cultivated commercially. Excellent cultivatable mushroom for Crimini or Portobello type production. This is an Agaricus type mushroom but it is a separate genera. It is an insect resistant, long keeper, with a lighter savory flavor, and fruits in cooler temps than Brunnescens, but warmer than Bisporus. Solid brown cap cuticle with smooth potato skin appearance, very little fibrilling on edges. Flesh stains barely orangey yellow, darkening in spots to black brown, and flesh generally darkens with age. Differentiated from Agaricus by distinct features, including ADNATE gills. Grows on pretty much any compostable substrate, naturalizes in forest glades. Loves soft wood mulch and composting vegetation, with a little manure.


Leucoagaricus Leucothites (Smooth Parasol, Ma'am On Motorcycle) $55 - Considered CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores. White button mushroom with white gills that turn dark brown as they dry. Grows in grass or compost, in open areas. City Slicker strain.


Note the Agaricus appearance to the top of the cap, and
the identifying cap cuticle that folds over the gill edge and acheres
to the gills. Partial veil ring is evident, and Universal veil ring
is evident on stipe base - Universal veil remnant turns the stipe
base copper colored. Clearly NOT an Amanita, and clearly NOT
an Agaricus or Leucoagaricus.

Amagaricus Cupreus (or Persicali) – Crooked Mushroom Upon A Crooked Pile – Cinnamon Scorcher - Copper Kitty Boots - $120 - CHOICE, and CULTIVATABLE by anyone who can cultivate from non-sterile spores - this mushroom bears in dryer conditions than most. Looks like an Agaricus from the top, but has some Amanita characteristics. Peachy russet or pinky copper colors. Saprophytic on rich compost or manure. Light colored cap that is darker in the center, with slight broad depression in center of cap. Cap colors are lightly radially striate, and cap cuticle folds over the edge of the cap and edge of the gills, and forms the edge of a Universal Veil which is adhered to the gill edge and does not peel from the gill edge, but does peel from the cap. Gills are thin, neat, deep, crowded, and may appear forked or interspersed, and are deeply adnexed, and puffy curved to cap edge. Cap edge and gill edges are very rounded. Stipe is somewhat satiny in appearance, white, with fixed stipe ring from partial veil that darkens to peachy or coppery tones as it ages and dries out. Lower part of stipe is often bent or crooked, and base is bulbous, with a colored Universal veil ring, and colored base below the ring (same color as cap). Cap is dry, and mushroom fruits with stipe forming below ground, and cap barely rising above, so cap is somewhat dirty at maturity. Fruits in small clusters but stipes do not merge, and fruits in dryer weather than most mushrooms. Grows in manure piles and compost piles. Edible if cooked thoroughly, may make hands itch when handled. Has a somewhat fibrous meaty texture (not slimy or rubbery), and a roasted nutty and mildly chickeny flavor. No fungusy flavor. This mushroom is an excellent and tasty culinary experience, and even mushroom haters love this one.


Calocybe indica var. dixie (or Calocybe minima) - Mini Milky $70 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - requires more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. Smaller variety of the large tropical mushroom Calocybe indica, which is known as the Milky Mushroom. Tropical specimens are massive, this strain is smaller, and grows in cooler climates. Discovered in the Dixie National Forest, it is always small specimens, because the deer eat it before it gets very large. We have specimens up to about 6" tall and about 3" caps. The dry weather in this area generally produces smaller mushroom specimens than moister climates, so we do not know what this would do with heavier warm rains (we are right on the edge between temperate and sub-tropic zones). It grows under pines in deep needle litter. Pine Glades strain.

Calocybe craoks - Sir Henry's Mushroom $95 - CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores - requires more mycellial mass than most cultivated mushrooms. Has a flat and cracked white cap that is smoothed and satiny. Cracks in cap smooth out on the edges and through the center of the cracks giving it almost a melted appearance. White spores, firm and smooth textured cap (even in the cracks), with a curled cap edge. Caps grow 4-6", on a low stipe. Grows in grassy meadows. Mountaintop Meadows strain.

Ramaria aurea (Yellow Coral) $35- CHOICE and CULTIVATABLE MUSHROOM for anyone who can cultivate from spores. Compact branching coral mushroom that ranges in color from tan to ochre to bright yellow, depending on environment. Grows under most forests. Boulder Bench strain.

Calvatia craniformis (Brain Puffball) $55 - Choice puffball, grows up to 8". Distinctive shape. Grows in disturbed areas in forest glades. Aspen Woods strain.

Calvatia tatrensis (Toy Top Puffball) $55 - Choice puffball, grows up to 8". Distinctive shape. Grows in disturbed areas in forest glades. Aspen Woods strain.

Calvatia booniana WHOLE (Western Giant Puffball WHOLE) - Entire SMALL speciment of Western Giant Puffball. Condition is stipulated with each specimen. All have full spore content. 4" dirty degraded skin but intact - $48 Specimen - 5.5" dirty lightly degraded skin intact - $87 Specimen - 6" very dirty mishapen form with somewhat unevenly degraded skin intact - $82 Specimen - 7" very dirty mishapen form with somewhat unevenly degraded skin intact - $85 Specimen - 9" somewhat broken detailed skin intact - $95 Specimen - 12" detailed somewhat broken skin intact - $250 Specimen


Definition Of Terms

Obligate Mycorrhizal - Requires a symbiotic host plant in order to fruit.

Dependent Mycorrhizal - May be induced to fruit sparingly in ideal conditions without a host (but with sufficient composted and fresh debris from the appropriate host plant), but requires symbiotic host plant in order to fruit heavily in the wild. Requires a larger mycellial mass in order to fruit without a symbiotic host.

Preferential Mycorrhizal - Will bear without a host in containment, but bears better and more predictably on a host. MANY Saprophytic mushrooms will become symbiont with plants.

Saprophytic - Grows on decaying plant matter, may required varied vegetative compost, manure composts, leafy, or woody debris. Easiest to grow in containment.

Cultivatable - Saprophytic mushroom that is cultivatable on an appropriate substrate.

Large Mycellial Mass Mushroom - Requires at least 4 times the amount of substrate, fully colonized, to fruit well. Many require far more. Rule of thumb is, the larger the mushroom, or the denser the average flush, the greater the amount of substrate required to develop sufficient mycellial mass to support the fruiting.


Mushrooms may cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Some mushrooms are more likely to do this than others. Please research possible reactions prior to purchase. We are not responsible for how you choose to use our products, and do not claim that mushrooms are completely safe to consume. We merely assure that they are as represented on our website.

We do not make any promises as to the efficacy of any mushroom product to treat or prevent any disease or condition. Please consult a doctor or alternative practitioner prior to using any mushroom product for treatment of any disease or illness.

We cannot guarantee that any spawn, spore, or kit product will grow or produce mushrooms. We do guarantee that our products are as described, and that the methods in our instructions do produce good results, but once our products leave our facility, we can no longer control the factors which are responsible for success. Gardening of any kind is a chancy business, and success depends upon adherence to instructions, and may be influenced by weather, environmental factors, and other controllable and non-controllable factors. As such, we cannot guarantee your success, and advise that if you are uncomfortable with purchasing under these terms, that you refrain from purchase.

We do promise to answer your questions, and offer reasonable assistance if needed, and to correct any errors if a mistake is made on our part.

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Our cart is not currently set up to calculate international shipping. For international orders, please email us with a list of items you wish to order, and the country you need them shipped to. We will return a shipping quote, and send you a PayPal invoice to complete the order process. Not all items are available for international shipping (heavy items are too costly). We currently ship ONLY dried mushroom spawn and spore prints internationally.


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